Mission statement & Statutes

Mission statement


IFSI is an international non governmental and non profit organisation and unites national amateur snow sport organisations which focus on education. IFSI promotes snow sports and brings in snow sport relevant concerns to society, politics and economics in a competent manner.


IFSI wants to:

  1. – Inform and orientate itself about snow sport relevant subjects internally and externally
  2. – Coordinate snow sport activities of its members internationally
  3. – Bring forward education and training of amateur snow sport organisations
  4. – Look after and represent the interests of it members internationally
  5. – Ensure the sustainability of its activities


1. Information IFSI

1.1 – Keeps itself and its members informed about the latest standard of knowledge about technical, pedagogical and organisational developments in snow sport education
1.2 – Assists international exchange of experience through periodically arranged congresses
1.3 – Informs its members actively about current events influencing their organisation

2. Coordination IFSI

2.1 – Unites as a politically independent organisation all institutions who focus on non
commercial education in snow sports
2.2 – Considers the interests of its members and their cultural characteristics
2.3 – Supports deliberately nations whose snow sport education is not integrated nationally and internationally

3. Education and Training IFSI

3.1 – Offers education and training in technical, pedagogical and organisational questions of snow sports
3.2 – Defines standards for education and examination of snow sport instructors
3.3 – Campaigns for high level safety standards in snow sports

4. Representation IFSI

4.1 – Represents internationally the interest of its members
4.2 – Takes influence on general conditions
4.3 – Comments from the view of snow sport on social, political and economical developments

5. Sustainability IFSI

5.1 – Pays specific attention to sport and nature
5.2 – Is bound to the values of a democratic society and takes responsibility for future generations
5.3 – Supports actively sympathy and acceptance for the practise of snow sports

Munich, 05.06.2004

First resolution 07.04.2005 Lech/Arlberg, Austria


Snowsport instructors teach within existing bodies (clubs, associations, institutions). The mutual bond between instructors and their learners results in characteristic, unique tasks to be fulfilled by the instructors, who do not usually teach in a professional capacity.

The training of instructors is focused on snow sports, with additional teaching units provided in the fields of leisure pedagogics, health education and safety in snow sports.

Snowsport instructors fulfil their task in society in a cooperative partnership with professional snowsport instructors and school teachers, as well as through constructive collaboration with the International Association for Snow Sports Instruction.

1. Name and registered office

The Federation bears the name: International Federation of Snowsport Instructors (IFSI) and shall be registered in the register of associations. The abbreviation “e.V.” (registered assocation) shall then be added to its name.

The Federation is a member of INTERSKI International, the International Association for Snow Sports Instruction.

The registered seat of the Federation is Munich, Germany.


You can also download our statues as PDF: Statutes (670 kb)